The Yorkshire Group of 16mm N.G. Modellers Ltd



HRM Bath Mills Winter Running HD1 3PY

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National Show 2024

Portmadoc took the popular vote for BEST IN SHOW [ again!!! ]

Portmadoc at the National Show 2024 click here for the video

Regular INDOOR Running - at Bath Mills Clubrooms on our extended ‘Portmadoc’ layout, usually Tuesdays (10.00 to 14.00 hrs) and Thursdays (19.30 to 21.30 hrs).   

All 16MM Association Members welcome.

To confirm your visit, please contact  Andy Wilkinson Tel: 01484 661041

The Lightline Shop : Andy Wilkinson

The ‘LightLine Shop’

Following the loss of our friend and colleague Geoff Munday in Spring 2021, members of Huddersfield Railway Modellers 16mm Group, wished to have some tangible memorial to him. As a prominent member of both the club, local and national 16mm NG modelling, the idea of something appropriate to feature scenically somehow on the still evolving 'Portmadoc' club layout was thought appropriate. But what could it be?After some thought, and with some admitted artistic licence, the idea of creating a 'LightLine Shop', to be placed on our layout came about. Geoff never had such a shop - he worked from home, but he might have had a shop! The first building created was based on a half-relief commercial ‘shop kit’, with appropriate 'LightLine' external signage and colour added. The shop window display, complete with internal lighting, included a photo backdrop of pictures from Geoff's own 'LightLine website'. Three freshly lined '16mm locos' are displayed in the window as well as a 3D printed figure of Geoff himself, placed to look out through the door, to keep an eye on all of us! This building was fine at the time of completion and added to the layout. But as ‘Portmadoc’ layout scenics evolved around the site of the shop, particularly when other buildings were added, the half-relief ‘Lightline’ Shop somehow didn’t quite fit. Something had to be done!  The result is that a second similar half-relief building, a small ‘cottage kit’ with the same footprint, was grafted onto the rear of the original shop – two half-relief buildings now joined back-to-back, to create one small but full depth building. Extra locos, ready to be lined are now visible through the upper windows!  The completed shop now fits more realistically into its scenic surroundings - between a larger house and the still to be completed Fish and Chip Shop.

Geoff's family have seen the original and have endorsed the improved model which is now added to the 'Portmadoc' layout. We hope all Geoff’s many 16mm friends will also approve.


and a plan of Portmadoc September 2021



Eric Mapes tests the engine names after him " Eric T Mapes " at HRM.

This engine was the one that Robert won in the draw at the 2019 New Year Steam up. It has been repainted and fettled. Eric died in 2023.

Photos from Andy Wilkinson and Geoff Munday

Triumph at National Show 2019

photo Dave Webb

photos Chris Cooper

Photo Michelle Charlesworth


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